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Rapid City SD to Denver CO and Back, Trip One
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We take a somewhat unique approach to traveling, in that we do it almost all by SUV, with our travelling cat, and we do a lot of it on back roads. We take our time. Some days we might be lucky to cover 50 miles. We seek out wildlife refuges, national parks, state parks and places where we can get off the Interstate and into some quiet natural surroundings. That doesn’t mean we shun cities – we’ve lived in them and love visiting them. But mostly we are off wandering around on the prairies, in the woods, in the mountains, and on the sea shores.We have two professional writers, a professional photographer, and a professional research librarian on our staff. Okay, so that’s all contained in the two of us – but still. We are those by training and experience. And, as such, we tend to delve into things – we like to know stuff: the history, the geology, the flora and fauna, and the geography of the places we visit. So we dig deep into those categories as we travel, find interesting people and stories, and put all that in our blog.
The point is, we strive for “rich content” as they say. It also means we might not have all the information in a blog post on the same day we experience it. So we go back and add to posts for those who want to know more than just where we were. You’ll see “enhancements” to existing posts all the time, so if you want to really plan a trip or understand in detail what you could experience in a location, we may well add more information over time, and the site will alert you to those enhancements.
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